
Evangeline Parish flashcard video

I'm enjoying YouTube.  I plan on asking Mom and them to make more videos like this with French words also.  I asked them to say the English word or saying because I can listen to it on my phone without having to see the video. If they said a French word or phrase without saying it also in English, I might not know what they were saying.  When I'm on break at work or waiting in the truck, I can listen to Mom and Dad saying different things in French.  I was getting slightly stressed out in learning how to spell that it was killing any enjoyment in just talking French.  Mom or Dad would say something and I would try to see the word or words without focusing on how they were saying it.  I don't know if that makes sense but that's how I think.  So I'm trying more to listen to the sounds and then worry about spelling it later.  I heard an older man question another dude at a store about betting on football games.  He first asked comment affaires?   I tried to spell it as soon as he said it.  It seems like he said, "how things."  And the other guy responded simply, "ca va."  Anyway, I'll try listening more instead of stressing out "seeing" the words.

Evangeline Parish French Creole Heritage

That's it for me. It's been real. I used to talk about this subject on forums and with people and several found it annoying. Evangel...