
bonjour et bonne annee!

Bonjour, comment ca va? Je vous souhaite une bonne annee avec bonne chance et beaucoup argent. I'm not sure if "bonne chance" is not more appropiate for a saying as in "bonne chance mes amis!" Quand-meme, I wrote a short "library lines" for the gazette. Merci Doug Hebert for mentioning the information about Mel Gibson on the L'Anse Grise message board. The idea of a movie being made concerning this subject is bon. Ca c'est un bon idea. Je veux tout la monde connais ca information. Well, at least central Louisiana will know more from reading it in Alexandria's gazette. Mon premier post pour nouveau annee.

Library Lines before editing pour 2007:

Mel Gibson has reportedly bought the reproduction rights to Warrin Perrin's Acadian Redemption : from Beausoleil Broussard to the Queen's royal proclamation. A film based on this book is a possibility and it would depict the history of the Acadians: their exile, Joseph Broussard dit BeauSoleil's militant fight against the British, and Queen Elizabeth's apology in 2003.

Warren Perrin's Acadian Redemption focuses on Joseph Broussard's early life in Acadie thru his life in Louisiana. The British took over Acadie in 1710 and ruled peacefully for forty-five years. Things changed, however, in 1755 as they began to view the Acadian people as a threat. The British began to forcefully expel the Acadians; 6,050 Acadians were deported via ships, however, many Acadians sought refuge in areas close by. Many Acadians died in this ordeal, some were imprisoned in France and England, and others were not welcomed in the American colonies. After several years of exile the Spanish government in Louisiana offered them land and close to "2, 600 to 3,000" Acadians came to Louisiana to start a new life. Joseph Broussard and several others evaded the British during the deportation and fought back against them on land and sea. They had to eventually surrender because the French were losing ground in Canada. Broussard was briefly imprisoned but in 1764 he led 193 Acadian exiles to Saint Domingue. He then led his group a year later to Louisiana to settle on the Attakapas prairie. Many of his descendants are found throughout south Louisiana. (source :cajunculture.com)

Warren Perrin, president of Codofil, fought for the recognition from the British government of the 1755 expulsion of the Acadians and succeeded. On December 9, 2003 a Royal Proclamation was signed and Queen Elizabeth ll acknowledged the wrongs against the Acadians. Perrin's book covers all of the above mentioned and your library system has a copy available for you. Information was found at:


Evangeline Parish French Creole Heritage

That's it for me. It's been real. I used to talk about this subject on forums and with people and several found it annoying. Evangel...