
Germans and Wares and Clarks

I went today and asked Dad about the Germans. I found out that some did come from the German Coast. Well, all of them did except one from the New England area.

Jacob Hingle – Christain Hingle and Appoline Schlatre
Annemarie Edelmeier – Johan Adam Edelmeier and Anne Catherine Klein
Marie Ann Sanmarine – Edamael Sanmarine and Annemarie Edelmeier

Magdaline Hayes – Nicoles Hayes and Marguerite Folch
Daniel Hopf (or Bopf) and Anna Marie Werich

Eli Schoff – Jacob Schoff and Anna French (Shuffs)

Eli Schoff came from New England. The last name changed and became Shuff. I can’t pronounce some of those names. Anyway, they ended up in Evangeline Parish via Pointe Coupée and Opelousas. I guess they spoke English, Shuff must have. The ones from the German Coast must have known some French.

That’s some of our German connections. It’s an interesting history, the Germans in Louisiana, and the sources I mentioned in the last post provide info on them.

A new book is out: Southern Heritage: the Clark and Ware Families of Louisiana and Mississippi by Sue Clark Severson. Names mentioned in the book, besides Clark and Ware, are Cantey, Hayes, Cowen, Gilmer, Hargrave, Hébert, Jeansonne/Johnson, Marcantelli/Marcantel, McClelland, Mills, Partridge and Rondot. Our Hébert line is included because Amelie Hébert married David Clark, Sr. The chapter is titled the French Connection.

It’s a good genealogy book that will interest many in Evangeline Parish – primarily people in northern Evangeline Parish. There are so many crossovers, however, that you’ll probably find at least one relative in that book. The chapters begin with a page or two of history about the people. The Hébert chapter, for example, explains a little about the use of dit and nicknames, where and what Burgundy, France is known for, and how they came to settle in this area.

I also read more articles and columns from Winston De Ville, Jules Ashlock, Revon Reed and others. Dad collected some good ones. I can’t believe that they were written in the Gazette and Acadian Press. And the ones I read were from the 80s. Ashlock even wrote that it makes no sense for Evangeline Parish to be included in Acadiana. Revon Reed wrote a lot of his stuff in the Acadian Press - stuff about how Evangeline Parish is not Acadian but rather Creole, etc, etc.

Evangeline Parish French Creole Heritage

That's it for me. It's been real. I used to talk about this subject on forums and with people and several found it annoying. Evangel...