
mouche a miel

Killer honeybees have been found in north Evangeline Parish. They’re the “bad” honeybees: very aggressive and attack in larger numbers when bothered. Quitte ca tranquille.

Soileau: Ca va?

Hébert: Mais, mon j’correct, et toi?

Soileau: Hein, ca va, mais ca fait chaud, Jack!

Hébert: Ouais, il fait chaud. Soileau, qui tu crois les mouche a miels de l’Afrique?

Soileau: Cher pitie! C’est merde, Jack, ca mauvaise mouche a miel!

Hébert: Ouais, mon j’crois aussi, Soileau.

Soileau: Hébert, allons a boutique de Fontenot pour biere frete.

Hébert: Ca c’est un bonne idée Soileau! Va a la merde mauvaise mouche a miels!

That’s my stab at a possible conversation in Evangeline Parish. I still don’t know how to spell cold, as in a cold beer. It sounds like fred so froid must not be correct. Daigle has the alternate spelling frete for cold and maybe that’s it. But maybe it’s a situation like the word star: it’s spelled etoile but here it’s pronounced a-twel and not a-twal. So maybe froid is the right spelling, however it’s pronounced “fred.” Un bon biere froid ... ca c’est bon. But I really don’t know. I do, however, know how to say it and I also know that a cold beer is good.

Evangeline Parish French Creole Heritage

That's it for me. It's been real. I used to talk about this subject on forums and with people and several found it annoying. Evangel...