"Sus la jour ma noce, ma mouman arrete au Half Moon pour acheter une bouteille de champagne."
Mom told me Maw Maw had stopped at the Half Moon to buy a bottle of champagne for Mom and Dad’s wedding in Mamou. Again, the French is my attempt at writing how Mom said it. The Half Moon, in case you’re wondering, was in L’Anse Grise. It was past where AJ’s grocery used to be, to the Y side of Hwy 13. Mom and Dad went there and listened to Swamp Pop on the juke box and also listened to an occasional band play; Mom remembers Roland Guillory playing.
They had all kinds of places in L’Anse Grise back then. Mom said her Dad, Paw Paw Leo, would play cards at Hilton’s. Hilton’s was owned by Hilton Thibodeaux and he also had a small racetrack behind the bar. The plugs, or horses not good enough for the big races, ran behind Hilton’s. That’s what Mom remembers but there might have been good horses too.
I switched templates on my blog. I got tired of looking at the other one. I prefer this one. The font defaults to a size bigger than what I would like, but I can easily go to view on the toolbar and change it smaller. I lost all the good links that I had placed but will eventually find the time to get them back.