
blood in the ground

Don't dig into the ground on Good Friday. If you do, you will see blood. I think you can cut grass. But farmers shouldn't plow and people shouldn't work in their gardens. You will see blood in the ground if you do. Too bad if you did already, but next year you will know better. Ca! I don't think anyone follows this tradition or superstition now. But I wouldn't want to dig into the ground on Good Friday after hearing that.

I asked several older people last night about St. Joseph's day. They all knew about it and said it used to be a great day. It was relief from Lent before Easter. You could eat chocolate if you had given that up, go to the casino, whatever you gave up you could do on St. Joseph's day. But then you got back on track and suffered until Easter. They also told me you couldn't drink coffee on Good Friday or go out -- you couldn't do pas rien on this day. You suffered a lack of your small comforts because Jesus was nailed to a cross and killed. He died for you. You shouldn't 'illon 'illon (whine) for your cup of coffee. Man, I could almost hear Mere Mere when I listened to the older people talk about Good Friday. They were strict back then.

Evangeline Parish French Creole Heritage

That's it for me. It's been real. I used to talk about this subject on forums and with people and several found it annoying. Evangel...