
Charles Edius Naquin

Dad and Mom like the two CDs with Edius singing.  Merci!  Dad said his Dad, Leon, came from down south (Terrebonne or LaFourche) and he married a woman from around here, Osea DevilliĆ©r.  Edius or Eddius supposedly learned his songs from his Mom or grandmother.  They’re not sure but that’s what they were told from family.  Uncle Gussie, oldest son, married one of Dad’s sisters, Tante Ena.  Edius was supposedly baptized in Washington but Dad said it might have been a priest from Washington that baptized him.  They lived around L’Anse Grise and also in the Piniere west of L’Anse Grise.  Their (Edius and his wife) gravesite is in the new St. Ann cemetery, close to the rice dryers in Mamou.  

Evangeline Parish French Creole Heritage

That's it for me. It's been real. I used to talk about this subject on forums and with people and several found it annoying. Evangel...