
My wife's last name is Patenaude

I'm interested in my wife's last name. She's an Hebert (Milan) now but we're both curious about her family. And we both decided to keep my blog subject focused, rather than personal. Save dat for FaceBook. 

I also now have comments enabled. Because if I blog a thought or question without allowing comments... how will I learn?  Meh, makes sense to me. I'm being light after good thought provoking "talks" with the teacher. I'll settle down before posting something in blood up mood. 

Now, her Mom could speak French. Denise would go to school, learn some French and come home talk with her Mamma. Her Mom knew some but her French was slightly different. They lived at the Vermont/Canadian area. 

Interesting, and still related to my now subject based blog. Any leads would be appreciated. I'll have to add Red Cedar, Bayou Woman and others to my blog list because I have time to read now. All good.  

Evangeline Parish French Creole Heritage

That's it for me. It's been real. I used to talk about this subject on forums and with people and several found it annoying. Evangel...