"Contrary to popular belief and the impression left by some modern scholars, Acadians, the French exiles from British Nova Scotia, were not the major French group in the Opelousas District." (Deville, pg. 35)
Opelousas: The history of a French and Spanish Military Post in America, 1716-1803 by Winston DeVille is a good book to learn about our area. It is detailed and would help a literary type write a novel or short story set in that period. I'm enjoying it because it reads like a drama anyway. And it concerns our real ancestry and families. It shows the ties with Mobile and En Ville (my area's term for New Orleans). But it also shows everyday life from written accounts of the people themselves. I like how DeVille says social life in those old days were rough (119).
I remember Dad being amused how a group of cousins saved up some money and took a trip to Nova Scotia. All excited to explore their heritage. Dad said they could have saved some money and learned real stuff by simply driving to Biloxi or Mobile. I see how true that is.