
tourbillon and Mardi Gras

No, there was no tourbillon (tornado) for Mardi Gras, but there was a strong wind all day. I was wrong about Evangeline Parish calling it cyclone, which Mr. Dowell pointed out to me Sunday, and I found what I was looking for on the LSU Cajun site. I worked on Mardi Gras and had only Sunday off to enjoy, which I did in L'Anse Grise. I've been working nonstop these days and on my days off I look for more work. It's good, I stay out of trouble and stay focused. I saw many people from Alexandria going towards Mamou and then coming back, but a lot of local people passed by and said they were escaping from the area. I talked with a Sheriff's deputy about the madness and he told me it got rough Monday night. A bunch of "yo-yos" from out of town were brought to jail. There were some people that got ugly, but the majority were happy drunks. I enjoyed all the beautiful cleavage and pretty smiling eyes. But that was it, c'est tout pour mon. I did cut my hand and went to the ER, but that was about the only excitement I had for Mardi Gras.

Evangeline Parish French Creole Heritage

That's it for me. It's been real. I used to talk about this subject on forums and with people and several found it annoying. Evangel...